3 Ideas Every Social Media Marketing Strategy Should Include

Executive Report

What Every Social Media Marketing Strategy Should Include

Some reports say that the average person uses about 4 years looking at his or her phone. There is a lot of content at a person’s fingertips, and each company should make sure it provides its target audience with all the content their hearts desire. It is the strength of your company’s social media strategies that will boost your company ahead of competitors, and CC&A Strategic Media can make that happen. Here are three strategies to add to your social media-marketing plan.

Emphasize Community Rather than Followers
Social media is a race for information. If you share a post and no one sees it, what was the point? It doesn’t matter if you have 5,000 followers if you aren’t interacting with them. How can a business create a community that is engaged in what you are sharing? Show your brand’s personality so that you stand out from competitors. Better yet, add humor to your social media channels. Your followers will be more likely to look for your posts if you add laughter to their days.

Related Case Study: See how this organization grew by over 200,000 visits annually.

Start a conversation that shows you are a real person who values what your followers have to say. You can show your interest in them by liking their posts and retweeting messages that are relevant to your brand’s personality. Brand personality is vital to the formula; contact CC&A to make it work for you.

Start a Movement across Social Media Channels
One way to engage your followers is to create a campaign over many social media channels. The key here is to stand out from other brands doing the same thing. Focus on a concept that gets to your readers’ hearts. A charitable cause or a personal story will make you stand out from the rest and add interest to your posts.

Create a Movement through #Hashtags
Using hashtags is a way to brand your movement and make it easy for others to jump onboard. The content that you choose should get followers’ attention. Get your followers involved by creating an event or having a contest that encourages followers to share their own pictures or stories. When all of your followers use the same hashtag, it is easy for your movement to go viral through sharing and others wanting to be a part of the excitement.

FREE GUIDE: Learn what types of Facebook ads INCREASE BUSINESS. Download our Advanced Guide to Facebook Advertising.

The strategies your company incorporates depends on your business. Contact CC&A Strategic Media to discover what works best for your brand.

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